The castle tower reaches to the sky
and oversees the river flowing down below.
Built laboriously, painstakingly,
with technology that may be dated now,
but in the forefront then,
the castle gave a view not so much different
from the view today.
Or so it seems to us, as we look up, and back,
those many hundred years.
And looking up, a thought:
did they, those many hundred years ago,
envisage, or imagine, the worldview we see now?
Could they, inhabiting that modern world,
conceive the world today?
The landscape is the same,
or nearly so. All that has changed
is the way we take it in, the way
we travel through it, and transport it,
by means undreamt of then,
to unimagined boundaries.
And so, we have to gaze
and wonder how the scene will be
hundreds of years from now.
Will the tower still be standing
and reach up to the sky?
What will be seen? and heard?
What known? What felt?
What feared? And why?
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